Another Way, Inc. is a state licensed 30 bed recovery home especially designed to meet the needs of men with addictions.
Our mission at Another Way, Inc. is to focus on a holistic approach to treat the chemically dependent client.
Our target population is as follows:
- Age 21 and over
- Not currently using alcohol and or illicit drugs
- Life has become unmangaeable as a result of adiction and other life situations
- Motivated to participate in treatment activities
- Eligible for funding under Health Choices, County funding, or self pay
- Any mental health diagnosis must be maintained with appropriate medications
- Willing to be involved in spiritual growth and meditation
- Possess the necessary skills and mental acuity to participate and benefit from the program
- Must have been in treatment within the last year
- Must have a substance abuse diagnosis. Co-occuring clients are eligible. We have a psychiatrist on staff
We are approved by the Value Behavioral Health, Community Care Behavioral Health, Magellan Community Behavioral Health Network of Pennsylvania.